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March 11th 2025
First West Chester Fire Company
70 S. Bradford Ave
West Chester Pa. 19382
Classic Harley Davidson 2024 Toys for Tots
Ronald P Scott, November 03
Classic Harley Davidson Leesport PA held the Toys for Tots
Staging started at 9:30am in Classic Harley's parking lot at 983 James Drive, Leesport, PA 19533. All we had to do was bring a new, unwrapped toy.
All motorcycles & vehicles where welcome. The caravan included Santa and left Harley's parking lot at 11:30am. It was police escorted through the winding back roads of Leesport to Rt. 61 where ... (Full Story & Photos)
Members attend MMR Rocks the 43rd Annual A.B.A.T.E Motorcycle Toy Run “For The Kids”
President Frank Dowlin, November 03
MMR Rocks the 43rd Annual A.B.A.T.E Motorcycle Toy Run “For The Kids” is America’s largest motorcycle toy run.
Members from Red Knights PA Chapter 2 and Friends met up at one of our member's house for coffee and donuts. Thank you to Andy and his wife for hosting.
After breakfast members traveled to Cavanaugh’s River Deck on Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia. for line up.
Riders strapped on unwrapped ... (Full Story & Photos)
Annual Robbie & Ryan Miller Memorial Ride
President Frank Dowlin, August 18
On Sunday August 18th members travelled to the East Brandywine Fire Company to register for the annual Ryan and Robbie Miller Memorial Ride.
Despite the rain forecast around 40 bikes registered for the ride. The ride went through beautiful western Chester County to Kennett where Robbie and Ryan are buried, after leaving the cemetery the ride head towards Downingtown passing the West Bradford Fire ... (Full Story & Photos)
Annual Rock Hall Ride to Watermans Crab House
President Frank Dowlin, August 17
Today the club made an annual ride to Watermans Crab House in Rock Hall Maryland.
Weather was not real good to start out however three of us brave the elements and made the 80 mile ride with some rain off and on, following in a car was two other members and some family..
As it seems to be an annual tradition coming through Georgetown, we ran into the drawbridge being opened. Giving us a nice little ... (Full Story & Photos)
Lynchburg Ride
Ride Captain Dave Roberts, July 22
On an overcast day, 3 members of the RKMC, and 3 friends set out on a journey to the only place on earth where Jack Daniels Whiskey is made, bottled, and shipped. The first day of the trip was met with a mix of rain and sunshine, more rain than sunshine, however. The day ended in Christiansburg, VA, a little more than halfway to the final destination.
Day 2 started with a safety check, and we ... (Full Story & Photos)
Breakfast Run to Lawn Fire Company Biker Breakfast
President Frank Dowlin, July 21
This morning four members of the Red Knights took a little ride to Palmyra Pa. for the Lawn Fire Company Biker Breakfast.
Probably one of the bigger biker breakfast around serving over 500 bikers each month in fact the past 2 severed over 700 .
Lawn puts out an amazing spread all you can eat, after the members enjoyed their breakfast, they walked around to some venders that were set up with things ... (Full Story & Photos)
Red Knights Pa 2 Welcomes New Member
President Frank Dowlin, July 10
The Red Knights Pa 2 are pleased to welcome our newest member to our club voted in at our July 9th 2024 Meeting .
Joseph Marks of Coatesville, Joe is a volunteer with the Keystone Valley Fire Department where he currently is the Assistant Chief, Joe works full time in Howard County Maryland as a Firefighter/EMT as well multiple part time jobs with Fire/EMS Agencies in Chester County.
We like to ... (Full Story)
Father’s Day Biker Breakfast at Lawn Fire Company
President Frank Dowlin, June 16
On Father’s Day, June 16 couple club members took a ride to the Lawn Fire Company in Palmyra, Pa.
Lawn, puts out one heck of a spread for a very reasonable price, on this Father’s Day they served 728 people, following the breakfast members checked out the vendor area, and of course the fire apparatus before departing..
On the way back made a stop at the New Holland Legion to have a couple cold beverages ... (Full Story & Photos)
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